Thriving One Podcast- Episode 2
Currently, with our pandemic state where all affected by the same reason and going through same challenges, there’s a lot confusion and division. Opinions around the world are so strong on both sides and not so many are building bridges. And so, how do we foster unity at times like these?
In this episode, Matt and Lindsay will talk about having connection. They will also talk about uniqueness and differences can bring people together. Listen up as they will talk about how to come into unity and allow God’s glory to shine in this season.
Have you tried asking these questions in your life? If yes, this podcast is for you.
- How do we come into unity to allow God’s glory to shine during this season?
- How do we see and do the act of unity?
- How can I demonstrate God’s love?
- How do I perform love, acceptance, and unity?
- Am I honoring those around me?
- How do we fight for connection if we have a strong opposing connection?
These are the push that you need from this episode to inspire and motivate you.
- It’s not about what I think matters, we are part of the body and supposed to be working together. Our difference should unite us.
- It’s time to build bridges, not barriers.
- Our uniqueness has to be our strength and should bring us together.
- I have power over myself and the power to influence those around me.
- The connection was first created by God.
- Sin is separating from God.
- When man tries to insert his opinion of truth in the absence of God’s love will cause tearing.
- We are created to be empowered by God with the connection.
- In every opinion where God is absent is a form of disconnection.
- It’s not about how other people treat you, it is about how you respond.
- Focus on the connection over opinion.
- Acceptance of our opinions is important.
- Instead of letting others disconnect you, allow the differences to connect you.
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Quotes for you to ponder:
but it’s what you do with it
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