entry program (THRIVING ONE)

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Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Matt. 6:10

JOIN US as we go on this 2 month part-time journey of seeing the big picture of who God has created us to BE as Heaven on earth and experience the THRIVING life that awaits you.

What is Thriving One?

Thriving one is the first part of 

the Kingdomized One Program.

Its focus is on an advanced awakening

of ones Identity. This is not just about

learning who God says you are but 

tapping into the glory of heaven 

that is with in you and how to let 

it out. We take a deep look into who

you are as a unique individual as a part

 of God and awaken the hidden power 

of who you are so you can shine.

 The parts of who you are reveals so much of

 what you are created be and more importantly

your creator. 


Experience the depths of God’s love 

in a way you have never experienced before.

Shed limiting beliefs about yourself and

God. Awaken the parts of your triune being

while sharpening your discernment and 

deepening your connection to yourself and God. 

What's included:

5 In-depth Online Trainings

Bonus Trainings (Suggested Materials)

1 One-on-One Coaching Session

Activations & Action Plans

4 Live Sessions with Matt & Lindsay

Community Support

Program Schedules

Thriving One is a part of
Full Kingdomized ONE Program

What our graduates say about Kingdomized One?

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