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Thriving One Podcast- Episode 16
Kindness is simple, powerful, and contagious. It pushes us towards a sense of belonging. It has the potential to heal and strengthen our communities in all our diversities and needs. It is really an important concept that people are willing to dedicate to continuing kindness and creating it.
We invite you to join us in this conversation as we talk about kindness. Tune in.
In this podcast episode:
Before we get started, we're just gonna catch up. Find out what's going on.
- For Coil Coaching Women: For all the women out there, if you don’t know yet, we are having our first in person Coil Coaching Women retreat in October. It is going to be doing a one day retreat on October 22,Saturday. If you can make it, you can drive, it’s going to be here in Redding, California. It’s going to be a great time of connection and great time of just also recalibrating and reset. One of the things that we will be doing is owning your story and sharing it. More details to come soon. Also, if you haven’t yet, join our coil coaching Women Facebook group page, at the moment, we did a September devotionals with eight women who share their messages, their life messages or heart messages. They’re really inspiring and transformational. So if you could, if you want to go ahead and join, join our Facebook group. I will go ahead and add you in there and have some fun.
- We also launched our Kingdomized One Program. If you haven’t seen that yet, you can go onto our We started last week, but we still have some spots available. And if you join, you can catch up on the videos just join right into where we’re at. We had Lindsay share last time on spirit identity. I also talked about spirit identity and then I’m going to be talking about soul identity. It is owning who you are, understanding who you are. So if you haven’t, you can join, just go on our website and check it out. You can enroll there.
- We also train people to do what we’re doing through coaching, and life consulting. Life coaching and life consulting is more on the counseling side of things if you want to check that out in our Advanced Leadership Program.
- Again, you may visit our Programs: Our Kingdomized One for Personal Development, and then Coaching and Consulting are under Advanced Leadership.
Kindness: Simple, Powerful, and Contagious
Let’s jump into it. We’re so glad you guys are with us. We love you guys. You’re welcome here. This is one of the topics that is very significant to process and talk about because we have different lenses and perspectives. So today we will have an open conversation about kindness.
1. Importance of Kindness
- Kindness is simple, powerful, and contagious.
- Kindness pushes us towards a sense of belonging, and it has the potential to heal and strengthen our communities in all of the diversity and needs.
2. What does kindness look and feel like, for you?
- The concept that kindness is more than being nice. Kindness goes beyond merely being nice.
- There can be a lack of sincerity in just being nice, especially if it’s just towards behavior.
- Being kind is doing intentional, voluntary acts of kindness.
- It just goes beyond the necessity of the moment.
- Kindness is more than just an attitude or just an action, it’s how you do it.
- It’s so key that it’s not just the doing, it is being it. Do from your being and that is authenticity and truth. That is God’s love shining through us.
- Kindness is that we have to be in a good place, we have to be at a center place to actually participate with that level of love.
- Kindness is so much deeper than just being nice. It’s because kindness is the intentionality and the attitude.
- Kindness is not just a behavior thing, it’s a heart posture. So that’s why it’s more important to do that, because it pushes us past our just agreements, it’s actually pushes us towards belonging and community.
- Kindness is an expression of love. So, love is patient. Love is kind, love is honoring, etc.
3. Are there a lot of hindrances to kindness having the opportunity to show itself in our daily life?
- The biggest hindrance to love is I would call it busyness, being overwhelmed or being stressed. When we’re in those states, we’re in more of a protection mode than we are in a giving mode or love mod.
4. How do we be present at this moment?
- If you are coping constantly, doing things just to make yourself feel better isn’t actually participating with awareness of where you are at and what’s going on.
- Be aware of yourself.
- Slowing down simplifying has been such an eye opener to being present.
- Create your own life to support love, instead of supporting busyness.
- The real productivity is how you connect with those around you.
- Be aware about what your basic needs are, you know, and being kind towards yourself, allows you to create an environment or a community of what kindness looks like, when it’s shown to yourself and to others.
- Being kind is having intentionality and voluntarily giving your time to others.
5. Where do you see people struggle to implement kindness and what gets in your own way of extending kindness?
- We need to have kindness for ourselves. To do it, we need to demonstrate or communicate kindness to ourselves.
- We normally think about how God loves us and that is where a lot of times as believers specifically and then as parents, we see that kind of demonstration. We thought love is just giving and there is no self nourishment. If you are familiar with revivalists, they saw amazing miracles happen but they were horrible at taking care of themselves and that’s really where the fruit is. It is with yourself and with those directly around you.
- God needing rest was more of communication of a lifestyle for humans. He was demonstrating something at the same time.He is love and kindness.
- As human beings, we need to sleep,eat, move in our life. We need social interaction that demonstrates and experiences kindness and love.
- The way that you give kindness to yourself is to recognize what it actually needs.
6. We receive love and kindness from God but how are we implementing it within ourselves?
- God says let it percolate within you.
- Kindness is not just giving to others, because it’s also giving to yourself.
- So we can be kind in our response to ourselves, and others when mistakes occur.
- Some things, we need to look into how we can think before we speak.
- None of us are perfect, we would be a lot kinder to each other. So offer grace and be kind. That also goes for you for yourself, offer yourself grace, and offer yourself kindness.
- Kindness starts from you, it can overflow into your family, into your friends and into your community.
- We all have different limitations. If you are hitting the wall of limitation. You are gonna get through this and figure things out.
- Demonstrate patience and grace, say love phrases instead of hate phrases.
7. How can we build up the value of kindness in our daily lives?
- It is like a transformation. Kindness Is a movement
- “Pay it forward”
- Kindness is a chain reaction. Start with yourselves. Be kind to yourselves, to your heart and to the works that you’ve done and it will cause a ripple effect that will affect not just with yourselves but also to yourself and to the community.
Quotes to ponder:
voluntary acts of kindness.
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