Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Matt. 6:10
JOIN US as we go on this 6 month part-time journey of seeing the big picture of who God has created us to BE as Heaven on earth and experience the THRIVING life that awaits you.
You are unique. There is no one like you.
You are God's fingerprint in this world.
Do you want to tailor this journey for you
and get the most out of this time?
Get this powerful investment of monthly
coaching from the Coil Coaching
team. We guarantee this will be one of
the most powerful things you do this year.
What's included:
13 In-depth Online Trainings
Bonus Trainings (Suggested Materials)
6 One-on-One Coaching Session
Focused plan for your specific growth
12 Live Sessions with Matt & Lindsay
Experience deeper levels of support and motivation
Program Schedules
Jun 13
Jun 27
Jul 11
Jul 25
Aug 01
Aug 15
Aug 29
Sep 12
Grow - Prosper - Multiply
in all areas of life
It’s all connected!
When we are limited or stuck in one area of life,
if affects the other areas of who we are.
As you bring who YOU are, what you DO,
and who you do it WITH into UNITY with God’s Kingdom,