At times, life can be messy, fun and real.
Join the journey with Matt and Lindsay Coil as they share how to be a THRIVING ONE in all ares of your life.

Upgrade your life as they share through this podcast on how you can grow in :

who you are

what you do

who you do it with

You are worth the investment so listen and become a Thriving One.


EPISODE 33 - Holistic Health: How to Value our Body, Soul, and Spirit

Understanding how pursuing holistic health through understanding the soul and caring for the body can help translate spiritual experiences and intimacy with God into daily life and relationships. In this episode, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Soorin Backer from OARS. We delved into the fascinating topic of holistic health and explored the ways in which we can take care of our body, soul, and spirit. Tune in!


Understanding how pursuing holistic health through understanding the soul and caring for the body can help translate spiritual experiences and intimacy with God into daily life and relationships. In this episode, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Soorin Backer from OARS. We delved into the fascinating topic of holistic health and explored the ways in which we can take care of our body, soul, and spirit. Tune in!

In this episode, we will talks about the importance of accountability through having a mentor or coach in one’s life for encouragement and growth. Also, we will discuss about Shifting from a limiting mindset of what one “can’t” do to a growth mindset of what is a priority. Tune in!

In this episode, Kimberly will tell more about her experience with Coil Coaching’s Kingdomized One Program which helped her let go of an unhealthy relationship and focus on herself. This sparked a journey of weight loss, healing her relationship with food, and overall prioritizing self-care. Tune in!

The topic of forgiveness is always relevant because we all experienced being wronged by someone. Forgiving is never easy. Yet, when you learn to forgive, you will no longer be trapped by the past actions of others and can finally feel free. Forgiveness is learning to let go. Tune In!

Welcome back to Thriving One Podcast. For this episode, we will be diving into the continuation of our last episode on Healthy Deconstruction. Deconstruction is a careful and deliberate examination of one's belief. It is about growing into your faith and not out of your faith. It's about setting yourself free from the systems that are limiting you from maturing and growing in your relationship with the Lord. Tune in.

There comes a point in your life when we’re questioning our beliefs that hinder us from being the authentic person that God created us to be. In this episode we will talk about Healthy Deconstruction. It is about coming to terms with what you believe outside of your inherited beliefs. It’s about growing into your faith, not out of your faith. Tune in!

Someone once said that gratitude is the umbrella that includes feeling connected to something larger than yourself to having the courage to open your heart and feel compassion. Savoring a moment and gratitude for each day makes life happier and more fulfilled.

In this episode we want to dive into what’s our story of influence, how are we living our lives through love, and how are we being motivated by love.The reality of love is so key to directing what we do how we think, how we live our lives, and how we interact as family, friends, or communities. Tune in.

Discerning is walking in wisdom, walking in intuition. As it applies to intuition, discernment is the ability to recognize the difference between the truth of our intuitive intelligence and the distortion of our emotions and past conditionings. Tune in to know more

Growing in Discernment is one of the skill sets that are so key to us, no matter who we are. How do we bring clarity and practice discernment? In this podcast, Lindsay and I, share our experiences in this area of discernment and perception. We also touched here on topics on the green light and light emotions and their importance in discernment. Tune in.

In this episode, we get to share some highlights from the last couple of years. In the spirit of celebration and thanksgiving and gratitude, we want to take some time to just share some good news and what we've learned.

In this episode we will talk about having Confidence in making decisions that can come from 2 places, reasons for going through analysis paralysis and steps in actually moving forward. Tune in.

Instead of resigning ourselves to our current situation, we can dream and build new possibilities and that is what we call as hope in action. When we hold hope in our hearts and minds, when we hold the vision of something new, we are compelled to move forward. Join us as we share more about hope and 6 ways to practice hope in action. Tune in.

One of the things I always want, it really matters to me is authenticity.When I talk about authenticity and who I am, one of the things I was thinking about was, how to steward a successful mindset. Tune in as I talk more about these specific mindsets that I’m going to bring up in.

In this episode, we talk more about goals and success mindset in this episode. We also share here a 2-step approach to get past your unmet expectations and be consistent towards your goals. Join us in this insightful conversation.

In this episode, we talk about how to walk in empowerment and not be a victim in life. We also talk about ways to deal with insecurities and triggers of having negative emotions. Tune in to know more on how to be present, become powerful, not overpowering someone else and be personally powerful to love, to walk in care and kindness towards others.

Kindness is simple, powerful, and contagious. It pushes us towards a sense of belonging. It has the potential to heal and strengthen our communities in all our diversities and needs. It is really an important concept that people are willing to dedicate to continuing kindness and creating it. We invite you to join us in this conversation as we talk about kindness. Tune in.

As we are growing or progressing in the seasons of our lives, we’ve always needed some kind of support in our lives. It is key to have a support in those spaces to actually move forward in success. From our experiences, having different types of people in our lives has accelerated or moved our journey to a more beautiful, more valuable one, not to mention less frustrating. In this episode, we talk about what is it like to build support or what we call a life team. Tune in.

How do you feel when someone else truly understands what you are going through? You would feel that you are not alone right? This is one of the powers of empathy. Empathy is more than being concerned or sympathizing. Empathy is stepping into the shoes of another with the intention of better understanding or feeling what they are experiencing. It’s like walking a mile in a person’s shoes. Tune in as we talk about the Power of Empathy and how you will build it.

Spirit Man Care is the focus of nurturing a healthy Spirit Man and healing or reviving, which is why Christ comes into us. In this podcast, we’re gonna be focusing on the nurturing aspect like how do I practically do that, not just reading the Bible (which is important), not just going to church, or talking to people about scripture. It’s actually about the in-depth or advanced discipleship side of spirit man care.

As we’re growing, it’s important to take care of not only the body, not only the soul, but our spirit as well. We talk more about this topic in this episode. So come join us as we discuss Spirit Man Care.

What is "Belonging"? This is something in my heart and this is the reason why I started and launch Coil Coaching Women, to spread the culture of belongingness among women around the world. In this video, we will talk more about what belonging is and how important it is. We hope that this video will invite you to explore where and how you would feel a sense of belonging and what kind of impact that has on you.

When we talk about soul care, it's about healing the heart, soul space, or growing it. So how do we do it? How do we navigate through the heart or soul space? This episode talks about the importance of emotions and their role in soul care. Tune in.

As we are celebrating this month as Women’s History Month, we also have exciting news for you. In this episode, Lindsay Coil shares her heart behind launching Coil Coaching Women and the value of being in a community with other women. Tune in now.

When you experience being emotionally trapped, you want to get out of that situation. You really should but the question is how? In this episode, Matt and Lindsay Coil shares the four powerful and  essential tips in stepping forward and getting unstuck in life’s difficult situation. Tune in.

As we are celebrating this month as Women’s History Month, we also have exciting news for you. In this episode, Lindsay Coil shares her heart behind launching Coil Coaching Women and the value of being in a community with other women. Tune in now.

Remember the difference of expectation from expectancy? This episode will further compare and contrast the two terms in setting Healthy Goals. Knowing the difference can help you avoid demotivation. Tune in as we expound on these topics and listen for more exciting announcements.

Healthy goals are realistic and flexible. Being realistic lets you consider where you're currently at with respect to your goals. Flexibility, on the other hand, lets you adjust so you won't break when things don't turn out the way you expected. In this episode, we share examples and personal experiences on setting our goals flexible and realistic, as well. Tune in.

In this podcast, we’re talking about how to protect connection over opinion thru unity with God. God is really about unity and love. Christ coming to Earth is about restoring us back into unity with the Father. He was also after the unity of humankind coming together in love. More about this in the podcast. So, please listen till the end of the audio. If you would enjoy it, kindly hit like and subscribe buttons. Thank you!

Currently, with our pandemic state where all affected by the same reason and going through same challenges, there’s a lot confusion and division. In this episode, Matt and Lindsay will talk about having connection. They will also talk about uniqueness and differences can bring people together. Listen up as they will talk about how to come into unity and allow God’s glory to shine in this season.

In this episode, Matt and Lindsay talk about the successful launching of Kingdomized 1 Program. It is a 9 month part-time program which focus on the proactive steps in knowing yourself and discovering what God has called you to be. Furthermore, they share about what God is saying in this season and the importance to learn how to do this for your self in becoming a Thriving One.
Tune in now.

Welcome to Coil Coaching! We're so glad that today you're with us! Today, we want to share with you about Coil Coaching, what it is, how it came about, and what we do as Leadership and Life Coaches. We'll also share how you can benefit from our services, courses, and mentorship programs.

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