Join the Journey with Matt and Lindsay Coil as they share how to be a Thriving One in all areas of your life. At times it’s messy and fun but real. Upgrade your life as they share insights on how you can grow in who you are, what you do, and who you do it with. You are worth the investment so listen and become a Thriving One. Listen Now.

Thriving One Podcast- Episode 5

In this podcast, we’re talking about healthy goal setting. How do we define healthy goals?

Healthy goals are realistic and flexible. Being realistic lets you consider where you’re currently at with respect to your goals. Flexibility, on the other hand, lets you adjust so you won’t break when things don’t turn out the way you expected. In this episode, we share examples and personal experiences on setting our goals flexible and realistic, as well.

Have you tried asking these questions in your life? If yes, this podcast is for you.

Important points to know from this episode

Do you want to grow, prosper and multiply with all areas of life?

Come and join us as we learn to thrive in who we are, what we do and who we do with it!

Quotes for you to ponder:

It's not about win or lose. It is about win or LEARN.
Lindsay Coil
Coil Coaching
As long as you are learning, you are never losing.
Lindsay Coil
Coil Coaching
My mantra "It's impossible that I don't experience God's goodness today and in the season to come"
Matt Coil
Coil Coaching
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not break instead they will bring a BREAKTHROUGH.
Matt Coil
Coil Coaching

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