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Thriving One Podcast- Episode 17

In this episode, we talk about how to walk in empowerment and not be a victim in life. We also talk about ways to deal with insecurities and triggers of having negative emotions. Tune in to know more on how to be present, become powerful, not overpowering someone else and be personally powerful to love, to walk in care and kindness towards others.

In this podcast episode:

Before we get started, we're just gonna catch up. Find out what's going on.

  • Coil Coaching Women 1st in-person retreat is finally happening! So if you are a part of our community, and even if this is the first time you’ve heard of us, Coil Coaching Women is a branch of Coil Coaching that caters to the women in our community. So, we are having our first in-person retreat called Rooted and Established from Ephesians 3:17-19 being rooted and established in his love. But it’s more than that:
  1. It’s going to be a time of connection
  2. A time of going deeper into intimacy with the Lord
  3. With some breakthrough encouragement
  4. We’re gonna have some encounter times and connection times
  5. You will be receiving the gift of time.
  • So if you can fly, you can drive here. If you’re in Oregon, California, Washington, Nevada, and wherever you are, you are welcome to join us. This is such a significant time for all of us women together for such a time as this. It’s going to be on October 22, which is on a Saturday, it’s from 10am-4pm. A lot of kinds of stuff for you and some raffle prices await you . If you can’t make it, but love to contribute a ticket to any woman who you know, we do have a ticket that’s going to be called pay forward, send a sister. I would love for you guys to participate in that. And that would be so amazing to be able to send somebody else. If you need information, or you’re not in our emailing list, please send us an email at Find us on our website We have an information space there, we can reach out to us and ask us questions there also.
  • Opening up slots for coaching and life consulting. If you are:
  1. Interested in life coaching
  2. you feel stuck in your life
  3. you want to grow in a certain area,
  4. you want to move on,
  5. you need some specific life skills
  6. you need some form of counseling
  • You can reach out to us and let’s have a 15-minute consultation just to see where you’re at and what you might need moving forward because we also can refer people to other things depending on what their need is. So reach out to us. We’d love to help you out.

Personal Empowerment: How to Overcome your Insecurities

I know. So many things going on. But today for our podcasts. We have a great topic about personal empowerment. It’s about walking in the power of who you are, the power that God has given you as an individual to walk in love.

How do I walk in empowerment and not be a victim in life?
What does that look like practically in life to have internal empowerment?

1. Have Power over yourself

  • If the way that other people acting isn’t even, it might trigger me, but I know how to self-regulate, I know how to be present, to communicate acceptance and approval.
  • Triggering is this key that helps us understand that I need to step into personal empowerment; to be a powerful person, instead of being a victim.
  • A big thing about growing personally, and walking in personal empowerment, is being aware of what triggers what is going on internally, instead of just living on autopilot.

2. Move out from the feeling of Insecurity

What is insecurity and where does it come from?

  • Every person’s insecurity comes from the lack of security.
  • The word security is secure. By adding “in” makes the word insecurity. It is the awareness of the lack of security that makes someone feel.
  • It’s like the awareness of the lack of security.
  • Insecurity is a feeling of uncertainty or anxiety about oneself, or the lack of competence specifically in yourself..
  • Insecurity is a byproduct of fear.
  • Insecurity is an attack on one’s value.

How do we self-regulate to move out from insecurity into an empowered individual and help others from feeling the lack of security?

  • We can be present, powerful, and not overpower someone else.
  • Being personally powerful, to be present, to love, to walk in care and kindness towards others
  • Being aware of your thought process and the feeling of lacking security

3. Avoid unhealthy Comparison.

What are three core things that get us off track?

  • Thoughts that get us off love
  • Thoughts the get us out of value
  • Thoughts that get us out of I am enough.

What is Comparison and will happen if we continue doing unhealthy comparisons?

  • In an unhealthy comparison, the person that is attacking your value is yourself.
  • Comparison destroys your personal value.
  • Comparison done in an unhealthy way is exactly what’s going to happen if you are drinking toxic.
  • Comparison is a house devaluing. If we hang out there, it breaks down and hinders your vision to see your value

How do we get to resolve this?

  • As individuals, we ignore our emotions, because our emotions are trying to tell us things. Emotions are very key, especially the negative ones, because the negative ones simply let you know what you’re missing or what you need.
  • Checking and listening with your emotions.
  • Start thinking about and processing whether there’s some comparison happening.
  • Have personal care by empowering yourself and start speaking courage.
  • The goal is to protect connection.
  • Be aware of your emotions. Emotion is like an alarm and lets you know where you’re going.If you have positive emotions, you’re gonna track happiness, hope, peace, you’re doing great in this space. If you’re experiencing negative emotions, fear, sadness, anger, anxiety,it means we’re going in a wrong and an unhelpful direction.
  • Build value for recognizing your negative emotions. Listening for what it needs.
  • Connect with yourself and acknowledge those feelings, listen and give what it truly needs.

Quotes to ponder:

Be present, powerful, and not to overpower someone else
Lindsay Coil
Coil Coaching
Every person’s insecurity comes from the lack of security.
Thriving One Podcast
Ep. 15
Connect with yourself and acknowledge those feelings, listen and give what it truly needs.
Thriving One Podcast
Ep 15
Emotion is like an alarm and lets you know where you're going.
Matt Coil
Coil Coaching

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