Join the Journey with Matt and Lindsay Coil as they share how to be a Thriving One in all areas of your life. At times it’s messy and fun but real. Upgrade your life as they share insights on how you can grow in who you are, what you do, and who you do it with. You are worth the investment so listen and become a Thriving One. Listen Now.
Thriving One Podcast- Episode 1
Coil Coaching is led by husband and wife, Matt and Lindsay Coil. They have a passion for equipping and empowering people to live a thriving life as well as bringing transformation within their chosen sphere of influence. Today’s 1st episode, they will share with you about Coil Coaching, what it is, how it came about, and what they do as Leadership and Life Coaches. Furthermore, they will also share the benefits to their services, courses, and mentorship programs. Don’t miss out and Listen now.
"Come Join as as we live a Thriving life that we are meant for. Come grow, prosper and multiply with us in all areas of life as we learn to thrive in who we are, what we do and who we do with it" - Matt and Lindsay Coil
Have you tried asking these questions to yourself? If yes, this podcast is for you.
Do you want to live a Thriving Life?
How do you grow from a screwed relationship?
Are you willing to be comfortable with uncomfortable?
Are you interested in discovering and reaching your highest potential in life
Important thoughts to remember:
Thrive means to grow, prosper and multiply
Life is about a journey of growth
Prosper is not just financial term but also flourishing life
Multiply is about connecting and reproducing the experience you want in life
Thriving, Multiply and Prospering requires growth
Be courageous to pursue what’s in your heart
Thriving is proactive
Get to know yourself to understand others
Learn to see someone’s perspective
Discover the whole pieces of who you are
Our belief system greatly affects us
Discover what you are passionate about
Life is about being intentional
Transition is all about going to the next level
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