Join the Journey with Matt and Lindsay Coil as they share how to be a Thriving One in all areas of your life. At times it’s messy and fun but real. Upgrade your life as they share insights on how you can grow in who you are, what you do, and who you do it with. You are worth the investment so listen and become a Thriving One. Listen Now.
Thriving One Podcast- Episode 2
In this episode, Matt and Lindsay talk about the successful launching of Kingdomized 1 Program. It is a 9 month part-time program which focus on the proactive steps in knowing yourself and discovering what God has called you to be. Furthermore, they share about what God is saying in this season and the importance to learn how to discern the message and connect with other people to become becoming a Thriving One.
Tune in now. Watch the video below.
"Come Join as as we live a Thriving life that we are meant for. Come grow, prosper and multiply with us in all areas of life as we learn to thrive in who we are, what we do and who we do with it" - Matt and Lindsay Coil
Questions that make you think and act:
- What do you feel that God is saying in this season?
- What do we bring that we’re supposed to be speaking out?
- Do you focus on the words that come out from the mouth or do you go deeper?
- What is it like to build a connection?
- How do you stay in the creative zone?
- What God has entrusted you?
- How do you partner with God's peace to create a solution instead of adding to the problems?
Thoughts to Ponder from this Episode:
- Have proactive steps to go after God’s message.
- Knowing and sensing and what God is saying not just for yourself but also hearing from other people.
- We all carry an image and likeness in God and at the same time we are all diverse.
- It is important to know the big picture of God’s message.
- What’s going on outside is a reflection of what’s happening on inside.
- Don’t just focus on the words that come out from the mouth instead understand them deeply.
- Great things can be built during great diversity.
- There’s always a time for us to connect and build.
- In times of crisis, go in deeper, reflect, and identify the opportunities.
- Turn away from negativity. Having a frustrating mindset makes it easy to go to a place of complaining.
- Know how to partner with love and honor.
- Creativity is important in challenging moments.
- Having a mindset of success can lead to the creation of a solution in a difficult time.
It is not time to build barriers just because we believe differently from each other, it's time to let our differences build that bridge to connect us.
Lindsay Coil
Coil Coaching
When I’m in the middle of a challenge, instead of saying I quit, I ask myself what else and what should I do instead
Lindsay Coil
Coil Coaching
It’s fun to do community with people and to go after knowing yourself and discovering who God’s called you to be.
Matt Coil
Coil Coaching
Mindset is the key to living. If those are triggered to be unsuccessful, then you won’t be producing solutions, you’ll only be producing problems or negativity, or frustration.
Matt Coil
Coil Coaching
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