Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Matt. 6:10
JOIN US as we go on this 6 month part-time journey of seeing the big picture of who God has created us to BE as Heaven on earth and experience the THRIVING life that awaits you.
What does the best you look like and what are you doing in that life? What does it feel like to live your fulfilled thriving life God has created you for?
This is what awaits you in this part time 6-month advanced personal development program.
YOU WILL DISCOVER Who you are created to be in life What you are specifically created to do in life Who you are destined to do life with While learning how to be led by God, lead yourself, and lead others in relationships.
We are all leaders of some kind in our life. We have the greatest leadership responsibility of leading ourselves. Do you feel you could use some kind of advanced upgrade in the area of personal leadership or learn a new skill to take you to the next level of your personal journey?
What's included:
13 In-depth Online Trainings
Bonus Trainings (Suggested Materials)
3 One-on-One Coaching Session
Activations & Action Plans
12 Live Sessions with Matt & Lindsay
Community Support
Program Schedules
April 25th
May 9th
May 23rd
June 6th
June 20th
June 27th
July 11th
July 25th
August 1st
August 15th
August 29th
September 12th
Kingdomized ONE Program
Grow - Prosper - Multiply
in all areas of life
It’s all connected!
When we are limited or stuck in one area of life,
if affects the other areas of who we are.
As you bring who YOU are, what you DO,
and who you do it WITH into UNITY with God’s Kingdom,